At the same time, Ngti Te Ata had a positive relationship with the burgeoning Kngitanga movement, who the Crown saw as its enemy. Ngti Te Ata traces our whakapapa back to these early groups, directly from their namesake ancestors . In 1840 another group of Pkeh, the Crown (the British authority), came knocking on the door of Ngti Te Ata. Ngti Koata whakapapa back to Koata who lived near Kwhia in the 17th century. Te Wehi's mum Koata according to Tainui is of the Ngti Mahanga, Ngti Mahuta & Ngti Mango people. The beginnings of both Ngti Poutkeka and Ngti Te Ata were unions between descendants of the Tainui waka and early Tmaki peoples, meaning that Ngti Te Ata has a dual whakapapa. The school opened in 1898 and appears to have closed by July 1904, due to sickness of its teachers,[20] though a replacement was appointed in April that year.[21]. It should be added, however, that the date, 1290, can only be given as a late limit. This paper is based on material which formed an essential part of - 46 the investigation of the tribal history of the Te Awamutu district. Drawing on paper by Pellizzaro-Hurrell, Maya. Ngti Whakaue is named for our ancestor, Whakaue Kaipapa. He led a series of raids known as Te Raupatu Tihore, "The Stripping Conquest" across the Tamaki isthmus, before being killed at a pa at Waiherunga in South Kaipara.[7]. They are the principle iwi of The Aotea Harbour Aotea Moana tribes, maintaining close ties with Ngati Reko, Ngati Mahuta, Ngati Whawhakia, Te Patupo, Ngati Te . Parehikitanga & husband had three children, Te Urumahue a daughter, Ttemahurangi & Te Moke. Ngti Twharetoa is an iwi descended from Ngtoro-i-rangi, the priest who navigated the Arawa canoe to New Zealand. [10], Te Wehi's great grandson Rangitaupopoki of Ngati Paiaka/Ngapuhi and his Ngti Maniapoto princess had 2 warrior sons, Te Moke and a Tutemahurangi, whose sons Pita Mahu Waikato and Te Aotroa Hne Waitere who were in their 20s at the time, would have helped their dad and uncle Te Moke with the battles against Te Rauparaha as he killed Te Uira and a battle to fight for a Ngti Te Wehi chief Te Aomrama at Makomako, Aotea harbour. Tradition says that Ruateatea, younger brother of Tukotuku, was a grandfather before Tukotuku married Tamainupo (T. T. Wetere). Then in mid-April a further two of our rangatira, Waihua Wiremu Ngawaro and Te Tawh signed on the shores of Te Manukanuka, probably alongside the second signing of Te Katipa. Unknown date (1920-1929). Before rejecting a genealogy out of hand, physiological limits should be stretched to the extent of possibility, bearing in mind that the necessity for extreme limits more than once in the same problem must be considered as straining probability. Drawing on paper by Pellizzaro-Hurrell, Maya. B. W. Roberton, p 4554, Family tree. With the large number of genealogies available, many individuals can be assigned dates within very close limits as far back as about 1400. To see more about the amazing architecture of the city you can walk on one of the most important avenues in So Paulo. With trade opportunities came early Crown investment in Ngti Te Ata rohe, who installed a road in the late 1840s that was improved upon in 1858. One MICHELIN Star: High quality cooking, worth a stop! Hineaupounamu, Maniapoto (1)=, Matakore=Waiharapepe, Kinohaku, =(1), =(2) Te Kawairirangi (3)=, Maniatakamaiwaho, Tutanumia, =Tumarouru, Rungaterangi, Marungaehe=Tuheao, Tukemata=, Rangipare, Uruhina, Manukipuriore, Maniauruahu=Rangatahi, Te Kawa=, =Urunumia, Ngaere=Hekeiterangi, Tumarouru=Tamatea, Urunumia, Waikohika=Te Kanawa=, =Whaeapare, Tukemata, Hikairo, Whaeapare, Parengaope (2)=, Te Ririorangawhenua, Paretekawa, =Whati, =(2) Ngunu=, Te Wawahanga=Rangimahora, =(1) Hore (2)=, Te Kaahurangi, Akanui, Te Uaki, Peehi Tukorehu, Te Rauangaanga, Te Wherowhero, Te Ngohi, Rewi Maniapoto, Family tree. Ko Tuuturu-aa-Papa Kamutu te ingoa o te whare tupuna. Whakapapa is an indestructible force within te ao Mori that connects tangata with their tpuna, te taiao (the natural world) and one another. Representatives of Ngti Te Ata, including principal rangatira Te Katipa, were present at a large hui at Ihumtao in May 1857 where the Kngitanga was discussed, . Tuteiwi=Pahoro, Takupu, Ngamuriwai, Waikauhoe, Umuroa, Kiringaua, Paretahuri, Mahuta=Kiringaua, =Paoa=, Horotakere=Karewa=Huapiri=Uerata=Tamirangi, =Mahuripounamu, Te Tikiorereata, Huakatoa, Rangapu, Puakirangi=, Koura, Hinemata, Hikamoeawa, Ngaere, Rangihoto, Wharetipete, Hourua, Tapaue, Ngauru=Uetawhiti, Pareuetawhiti=Te Putu, Huiarangi=Hikaurua, Huiarangi=Te Kiriwai, =Tirapurua, Te Haunga=Tawhia, Kopa, Te Kaahurangi=Tuata, Whakamarurangi=Te Rarangi, Te Rauangaanga, Te Weu, Te Wherowhero, Family tree. Note: this map has been copied from a modern day map, and as such does not represent a fully accurate depiction of the historical coastline. If this version is correct, she is much too young to be the ancestress of Ngati-Matakore lines. The sky is the roof The earth is the floor The rear post stands at Pikit The central post stands at Ngtira The front post stands at Trukenga, at Te Ngkau The front barge boards fall toward Te Wairere and Horohoro. With the death and destruction of war comes the proliferation of dangerous, even deadly, tapu. Ttemahurangi begat three known sons, and he married Metiria Waikato a Daughter to Te Riria Whareherehere, one of his sons was Pita Waikato later known as Pita Mahu Waikato of Ngti Te Wehi. Soon after with the Ngti Mahanga & Ngti Maniapoto Te Moke rounded up 5000 with Ptatau Te Wherowhero of Ngti Mahuta plus the Ngti Hourua and together the Ngti Koata(Aotea) and Ngti Toa of Kawhia harbour were cleared out and everlasting peace ensued and all the tangata whenua(people of the land) worked their lands and sold their produce to Auckland pakeha until 1863 when the government wanted the fertile Waikato Basin for themselves so the battles against the British army started.[11]. (Tainui whakapapa, waiata, carving). It follows, therefore, that the most reliable records are those which do not lend themselves to variation in the wording, particularly during the time when the trained tohunga have been disappearing and the records have necessarily passed through untrained people. Glass plate negative. By 1822, the chorus of gunpowder from the Musket Wars had reached Ngti Te Ata rohe, setting our nineteenth century history off with an explosive bang (so-to-speak). Wesleyan missionaries James Wallis and John Whiteley(Hone Waitere to Kawhia Maori) gathered 10 more signatures at Kawhia between April and September 1840. Source: Hooker, Isabel. Aptly named of something that is coming into fruition, growth. Western genealogy does not recognise the intrinsic connection between tangata whenua and te taiao. An extension of the above genealogy appears thus:. For example, a mission station at Orua Bay (northern Awhitu) was first established in January 1836. Through reading the roots of the Ngti Te Ata whakapapa tree, from its ancient source through mai r an (the pre-Pkeh time) to the mid-19th-century, we can understand the Ngti Te Ata claim to mana in Tmaki. But the Tmaki that was returned to was one of great change. Be that as it may, I am now definite that a mistake has crept in thereabouts, either unwittingly or perhaps by someone's design. They aimed to protect Tmaki from Ngpuhi. Probably it was his experience of the reliability of tribal tradition that led Percy Smith so far back into the past. Percy Smith gave as the concensus of opinion of several Polynesian scholars who knew the race well that 25 years is nearer the truth. . It was stopped and the name Kamutu was added to Tuuturu-aa-Papa. One finds that what might be termed narrative traditions will more often than not conform to conditions imposed by analysis of genealogies, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to tell what narratives are genuinely authentic. Te Wehi is the founding ancestor of the Ngti Te Wehi iwi. Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro noona te ngahere, Ko te manu e kai ana i te maatauranga, noona te ao. The year 1844 saw Ngti Te Ata battle our neighbour Ngti Tamaoho at Taurangaruru west of Waiuku. Mhanga was the ancestor of the Ngti Mhanga people, a major tribe of the Waikato confederation. In August 1855, Charles Abraham noted that Waiuku was a particularly bustling place of trade in Tmaki, It seems that through these trade interactions, Ngti Te Ata developed a positive, mutually beneficial early relationship with the Crown. Auckland City Libraries Heritage Collections: Heritage Images, Auckland. NEW ZEALAND HERALD", "A Chapter from the Early Maori History of the Waikatos", "Fishing waka being launched on Papatapu Creek, Aotea Harbour, north of Kawhia - National Library of New Zealand", "1. While no Pkeh had set foot in the Maungatautari/ Karapiro region until the 1830s, their presence in Aotearoa was felt there in the 1820s. Originally named Tuututru-aa-Papa, Kamutu was added after the practice of Maakutu ceased. Later most of the descendants headed to Waitetuna district as part of the conquested lands claimed by Te Wehi with the overthrow of the giant tyrant Toa-angiangi, these lands that the fastest runner in Aotearoa claimed were from Pukekohe to Otorohanga and the West Coast, so these Children of Te Wehi and Mariu are of importance as they are founders of many iwi and hapu today. But during this time of relative abandonment, some Ngti Te Ata maintained ahi ka in Tmaki. Ka huri te titiro ki Taupiri maunga, ki te awa o Waikato, ki Trangawaewae marae, ana, ko ng uri o Tainui waka. It is an unfortunate fact that some early recordings have been published with errors which have gone back into circulation as accepted Maori tradition. Figure 17 - Muriwhenua's Pa & Cultivations 15 . During his travels across Tmaki in March 1842, Robert Sutton noted that Ngti Te Ata rohe was by this time again numerously populated with many kainga, . With protection secured, displaced Tmaki tangata whenua then returned to their turangawaewae. Whanaungatanga | A central and vital tikanga that refers to relationship and community building and maintenance. John Bumby the Superintendent of the Wesleyan Church to set up a mission in Aotea Harbour, site of the landing of the Aotea Canoe and of an ancient Pa.[17] On the northern side 844 acres were gifted to the Wesleyans[18] for a boys school and mission station & the non-maori speaking Rev H.Hansen.Turton was re-appointed to that area.[19]. Ngti Whare is a Mori iwi of New Zealand. Tumainupoo was the son of Kookako a chief from Mataatua waka and Whaeatapoko of Tainui waka. He and James Hamlin of the Church Missionary Society assembled several chiefs, probably at Awhitu, but failed to get their agreement. At ngroto is the house of the ancestor Whita. These are the genealogies and the waiata. Death of Mr. John Cowell. The hapu is Ngati Mahanga Hourua o Tainui, situated along the Waikato west coast from Aotea harbour to Raglan harbour between the west coast and Pirongia - Purakau ranges up to Ngati Mahuta. Without going further into the Maori system of recording, it may be emphasised that the records were kept in the heads of men specially selected and specially trained for the work, and that the essence of the system was word perfect repetition. If Professor Piddington's reference was intended to apply to the traditions of the cosmos, the first chapter of Genesis would be a better parallel. Ngti Kahu take their name from their founding ancestress, Kahutianui, and link their ancestry back to the waka Mmaru. They are the principle iwi of the Aotea Harbour iwi, with close ties and connections with Ngati Reko, Ngati Mahuta, Ngati Whawhakia], Ngati Patupo, Ngati Te Uru and Ngati Mahanga. 929.2 COW Howe, G. P. 1880. Source: Unknown photographer. Ko Ngati Wairere te hapuu Created by. The fact that a trading station was founded nearby to Ngti Te Ata rohe during the apparent abandonment of Tmaki highlights that local groups like Ngti Te Ata never extinguished the fires of ahi ka. Rice Ltd, Hamilton Soft Covers, First Edition - Archway Books", "War in Waikato - War in Waikato - NZHistory, New Zealand history online", "Manukau-Kwhia treaty copy - NZHistory, New Zealand history online", "Te Kopua Block (Wesleyan Mission Station), Waipa District - NZETC", "Wharauroa Block, Whaingaroa District - NZETC", "P and pits on old dune country near Aotea Harbour - NZETC",, "The Provision of Education Services to Maori in Te Rohe Potae, 1840-2010", "NEWS FROM COUNTRY DISTRICTS. Maru-tuahu then gathered in great strength, and sent war-parties in several directions. Trade opportunities also came to Ngti Te Ata at Waiuku. The contemporary decor comes as a pleasant surprise, with its off-white tones and the use of different building materials, which combine to provide a creative space perfect for an enjoyable . Until displacement by Ngti Whatua in the eighteenth century, Te Waihua led an economic union in Tmaki that controlled regional trade and cultivations. Another mission was founded at Moeatoa (on the Waiuku River) in August 1836, . For the purpose of tribal history there is probably no true place for the statistical method, as the material is too limited for close enough approximation. Wellington. BATLEY, R. A. L., 1950. Then in mid-April a further two of our rangatira, Waihua Wiremu Ngawaro and Te Tawh signed on the shores of Te Manukanuka, , probably alongside the second signing of Te Katipa. To make Rangitairi mother of Mapau and Waengarangi puts her at the extreme limit of child bearing or beyond. Some of the earliest inhabitants of Tmaki Makaurau were the Ng Oho and Ng Iwi peoples, two groups who were closely interrelated. Rangitaupopoki married two Ngti Maniapoto descendants named Parehikitanga & Waimahanga who were sisters. By 1840 here were now 3 Wesleyan Missions in the area, Waiharakeke the site of the first Wesleyan Mission Station established by John Whiteley in April 1835. The above table is set out in chronological form thus:. The early investigators of tribal history such as Gudgeon, Judge Wilson, Percy Smith and Elsdon Best treated the subject seriously as history; such doubts as they had concerned the authenticity of certain traditions. Ngti Mahanga. Then Maramatutahi was the oldest child of Wairere's third consecutive wife, and was actually Wairere's sixth child. Tupahau, Huiao, Te Ariari=Karewarewa, Potete=Tahinga, Tuwhakahautaua, Whaturoto, Karewa=Huapiri, Hua, Huirae, =(1) Paoa, Te Tikiorereata, Tarapeka=Parekaka, Tauhakari=, Te Tahuri===Te Ikamaupoho, Koura, Kiwi Tamaki, Kahutoroa=Tautini, =(1) Kuku (2)=(2)Tomirikura (1)=Takapuangana, =Kahuroro, Tumu=, Te Ahooterangi=, =Te Moko, =Te Rawhatihoro, Puku=, =Te Mihinga, Hikairo, Family tree. According to a tradition obtained from Rore Erueti, Hotuawhio and Motai were born in Hawaiki and their mother was pregnant with Puhaanga during the voyage. I am not aware that there has been a single case either of infanticide or murder, as the consequence of witchcraft, in the circuit, since the beginning of 1844. After the 1863 Land wars and after the Crown confiscated Ngaati Wairere lands, they resettled at Hukanui, now known as Gordonton where they are today. Description: Includes whakapapa on most iwi by waka, a parliamentary speech `The Maori Magna Carta', the creation of the `Maori Education Foundation' and the `Primary School Bulletin'; also includes a letter from Te Puea Herangi and a sympathetic letter from a woman who had an affair with a married man, Wally Jones Quantity: 1 folder (s). Nevertheless there can be no doubt that a sufficient approximation can be obtained to satisfy most problems that may arise in tribal history. Traditionally whakapapa was handed down orally to a member of the whnau deemed a ppropriate to look after the whnau whakapapa. Upon the death of their rangatira (leader) Te Ata i Rehia, Ngti Kahukoka was renamed Ngti Te Ata, . Te Wehi has been known to have had 3 wives, but his principle wife was Mariu who bore Te Hauwhangairua, Te Paipai, Tokoreko, Paiaka, Te Whakamaui, Hineketu and Te Rangitauwawaro.
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