// Whether leading and trailing whitespace should always be selected. // - modified: Results are sorted by file last modified date, in descending order. // Control whether save all dirty editors before running a test. // - once: Ask for trust the first time an untrusted workspace is opened. // - false: Files will not be revealed and selected. // Controls whether characters in comments should also be subject to Unicode highlighting. // Where the cell toolbar should be shown, or whether it should be hidden. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Defaults to `editor.fontFamily`'s value. I got tripped up even more because I had two profiles. with `display: inline`, the `width`, `height`, `margin-top`, `margin-bottom`, and `float` properties have no effect. // - non-relative: Prefers a non-relative import based on the `baseUrl` or `paths` configured in your `jsconfig.json` / `tsconfig.json`. // Controls whether a prompt is being shown before changes are committed to a protected branch. Use `null` for unlimited. When set to 0, 90% of `editor.fontSize` is used. // Controls whether the debug sub-sessions are shown in the debug tool bar. // Controls whether the language in a text editor is automatically detected unless the language has been explicitly set by the language picker. // Controls whether suggestions should automatically show up while typing. Note, this setting is not respected by text search. // - onExit: Hot exit will be triggered when the last window is closed on Windows/Linux or when the `workbench.action.quit` command is triggered (command palette, keybinding, menu). // When enabled, new running processes are detected and ports that they listen on are automatically forwarded. // - selectWord: Select the word under the cursor and show the context menu. "terminal.integrated.automationProfile.windows". // Preferred path style for auto imports. // When enabled, Outline shows `property`-symbols. // Ignores the warning when there are too many changes in a repository. // - failureAnywhere: Open automatically no matter where the failure is. "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets". // - none: Don't save any editors before starting a debug session. // - severity: Navigate problems ordered by severity, // - position: Navigate problems ordered by position. Can be either a boolean to enable/disable ligatures or a string for the value of the CSS 'font-feature-settings' property. // - on: Files will open in a new window. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `variable`-suggestions. This requires a file icon theme to be enabled as well. Text will show with jagged sharp edges. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. // Controls font aliasing method in the workbench. // Configures whether a warning is shown when a provider is slow. // Sets how line-breaks are rendered in the Markdown preview. "editor.scrollbar.horizontalScrollbarSize". // If enabled, clicking on an inactive window will both activate the window and trigger the element under the mouse if it is clickable. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `event`-suggestions. // Controls whether a new empty window should open when starting a second instance without arguments or if the last running instance should get focus. // Controls whether the terminal bell is enabled. Use `markdown.updateLinksOnFileMove.include` to configure which files trigger link updates. 1) or below (e.g. // Whether the linter is run on save or on type. I didn't find this in visual studio 2017, anyone else can tell me where can I find it? // - full: Each cursor pastes the full text. // Controls when to show commit message input validation. "workbench.editor.historyBasedLanguageDetection". // - always: Always select a suggestion when automatically triggering IntelliSense. Replace MyUserName of course with your own. Folders are displayed before files. Not all User settings are available as Workspace settings. // Controls whether to optimistically update the state of the Source Control view after running git commands. Note that this setting does not have an impact on the first window that is opened. // Controls whether the search automatically restarts from the beginning (or the end) when no further matches can be found. // When enabled, Outline shows `operator`-symbols. On Linux and Windows, this setting also affects the application and context menu appearances. // Length of network delay, in milliseconds, where local edits will be echoed on the terminal without waiting for server acknowledgement. That is because you can't change the default setting. This setting is overridden based on the file contents when `#editor.detectIndentation` is on. // - left: Show the terminal tabs view to the left of the terminal, // - right: Show the terminal tabs view to the right of the terminal. "search.quickOpen.history.filterSortOrder". // Sets the source from which ports are automatically forwarded when `remote.autoForwardPorts` is true. Requires a reload to take effect. // Controls whether the editor should automatically format the pasted content. // Show references to MDN in SCSS hovers. To change this, right-click the project node in Solution Explorer, select Edit Project File, and add the following: XML Copy <PropertyGroup> <AppendTargetFrameworkToOutputPath>false</AppendTargetFrameworkToOutputPath> <AppendRuntimeIdentifierToOutputPath>false</AppendRuntimeIdentifierToOutputPath> </PropertyGroup> For example, to prepend C:\Windows\Temp to the PATH: Similarly, to append $(TargetDir)\DLLS to the PATH: If you only need to add one path per configuration (debug/release), you could set the debug command working directory: Project | Properties | Select Configuration | Configuration Properties // Enable to download and install new VS Code versions in the background on Windows. It can either show at the bottom, right, or left of the editor area. // When enabled, Outline shows `boolean`-symbols. // Controls when the internal Debug Console should open. // - auto: Position the actionbar to the right when the search view is narrow, and immediately after the content when the search view is wide. // Controls the font for the input message. // Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on Enter in the Debug Console. `explorer.fileNesting.enabled` must be set for this to take effect. // - off: An editor with changes is never automatically saved. // Controls whether the search view should read or modify the shared find clipboard on macOS. // Controls if the centered layout should automatically resize to maximum width when more than one group is open. // - name: Sort the repository changes by file name. "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux". Support copy feature on the remote-host. // - minimap: Show the diff decorations only in the minimap. This does nothing on macOS. // - shortest: Prefers a non-relative import only if one is available that has fewer path segments than a relative import. Then, the Settings editor opens with a language filter for the selected language, which allows you to modify language-specific settings for that language. // When enabled, will show the watermark tips when no editor is open. // - notebookToolbar: The toolbar at the top of the notebook editor. // Controls where new `Search: Find in Files` and `Find in Folder` operations occur: either in the search view, or in a search editor. // Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on `Enter`, in addition to `Tab`. // Restore the undo stack when a file is reopened. // Note that there can still be cases where this setting is ignored (e.g. // Controls whether the minimap is hidden automatically. This setting should only be changed if you frequently encounter save conflict errors and may result in data loss if used without caution. // - never: Do not show the banner when an untrusted workspace is open. // A multiplier to be used on the `deltaY` of mouse wheel scroll events. // Configure the opener to use for external URIs (http, https). // Controls from which documents word based completions are computed. // Controls how type navigation works in lists and trees in the workbench. Use this setting to disable this behavior. // - false: Disables horizontal bracket pair guides. // Whether the cell status bar should be shown. Check or uncheck Keep download cache after the installation. // Controls when `cursorSurroundingLines` should be enforced. // Controls how links to other Markdown files in the Markdown preview should be opened. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `class`-symbols. If you intend to maintain your project properties in the IDE . // - off: Disable the Source Control count badge. This setting only has an effect when `window.titleBarStyle` is set to `custom`. // - top: Show snippet suggestions on top of other suggestions. Works great, but do you know how to do the same for C#? // Configure settings to be overridden for the search-result language. // - split: Splits the active editor group to equal parts. Consequently, the active editor in a locked group is less likely to be replaced accidentally with a different editor. Now that you are in the "User Settings", using the "Search Settings" bar across the top of the window paste or type this: You will notice that it will not let you type here to change this setting. I was asking abt running the exe that is created in debug or release folder. Setting to `all` will fetch from all remotes. The error can be as simple as a missing comma or incorrect setting value. when using the `--new-window` or `--reuse-window` command line option). "terminal.integrated.automationProfile.linux". // When set to `false`, the whole file is parsed to determine if current position is valid for expanding Emmet abbreviations. // Controls whether to show a notification when a push is successful. Changes require a full restart to apply. Later we'll cover Workspace settings, which will be specific to the project you're working on. Identify blue/translucent jelly-like animal on beach. "workbench.preferredHighContrastLightColorTheme". // - contiguous: Use contiguous matching when searching. // Controls whether the centered layout tries to maintain constant width when the window is resized. "markdown.updateLinksOnFileMove.enableForDirectories". // Controls what naming strategy to use when a giving a new name to a duplicated Explorer item on paste. // Enable Emmet abbreviations in languages that are not supported by default. Content Discovery initiative April 13 update: Related questions using a Review our technical responses for the 2023 Developer Survey. The secondary side bar will show on the opposite side of the workbench. In Visual Studio Code go to: Menu File Preferences Settings Now that you are in the " User Settings ", using the " Search Settings " bar across the top of the window paste or type this: terminal.integrated.cwd It will list the following as a result: // Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the JavaScript Debug Terminal. // - allEditorsInActiveGroup: Save all editors in the active group before starting a debug session. // Enable/disable auto import suggestions. How to change indentation in Visual Studio Code? The type of quotes can be configured by `html.completion.attributeDefaultValue`. // Controls whether the smooth caret animation should be enabled. Note that child process detection may not work well for shells like Git Bash which don't run their processes as child processes of the shell. "search.searchEditor.doubleClickBehaviour". // - newUntitledFile: Open a new untitled text file (only applies when opening an empty window). // Run npm commands with the `--silent` option. // - medium: Show the name of the file followed by its path relative to the workspace folder. // Controls if TypeScript launches a dedicated server to more quickly handle syntax related operations, such as computing code folding. // - Use 0 to automatically compute the line height from the font size. This value is ignored when `workbench.editor.enablePreview` is disabled. // Controls whether the terminal cursor blinks. Install the Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) compiler toolset. // List of paths to search for git repositories in. Move all of the project files to the new location. // - auto: Let VS Code detect which renderer will give the best experience. Single-folder workspaces // - crash: Sends OS level crash reports. If anyone else had trouble getting this to work with ${workspaceFolder} in Windows like I did, keep in mind that the starting directory you set in Visual Studio Code will be overridden by anything in your PowerShell profile. Similar to User Settings, Workspace Settings are also stored in a settings.json file, which you can edit directly via the Preferences: Open Workspace Settings (JSON) command. // Controls whether sorting favors words that appear close to the cursor. Only characters between U+0020 and U+007E, tab, line-feed and carriage-return are considered basic ASCII. // Controls whether editors opened from Quick Open show as preview editors. // Controls whether to show the commit author in the Timeline view. // - always: Confirm if the terminal is either in the editor or panel. // Sets the locale used to report JavaScript and TypeScript errors. If you prefer to always work directly with settings.json, you can set "workbench.settings.editor": "json" so that File > Preferences > Settings and the keybinding , (Windows, Linux Ctrl+,) always opens the settings.json file and not the Setting editor UI. // Scale of content drawn in the minimap: 1, 2 or 3. // Controls the behavior of empty editor groups when the last tab in the group is closed. When set, this overrides `editor.tabFocusMode` when the terminal is focused. // Enables prompting of users to use the TypeScript version configured in the workspace for Intellisense. // - name: Repositories in the Source Control Repositories and Source Control views are sorted by repository name. // Keep all existing new lines when formatting. // Ignores the warning when it looks like the branch might have been rebased when pulling. - nbokmans Jul 23, 2020 at 15:01 via the File menu). // - `${separator}`: a conditional separator (` - `) that only shows when surrounded by variables with values or static text. // When enabled, trusted domain prompts will appear when opening links in trusted workspaces. // Controls whether inline actions are always visible in the Source Control view. "editor.semanticTokenColorCustomizations". // - keepAll: Word breaks should not be used for Chinese/Japanese/Korean (CJK) text. If you're using a workspace that needs custom settings but you don't want to apply them to your other VS Code projects. // Controls the order in which problems are navigated. "workbench.editor.mouseBackForwardToNavigate". This can be used to customize most editor. // - contextMenu: Open the context menu for more options. "css.completion.triggerPropertyValueCompletion". ", How to: Set Environment Variables for Projects, How a top-ranked engineering school reimagined CS curriculum (Ep. // Controls when the debug Status bar should be visible. // Object with environment variables that will be added to the VS Code process to be used by the terminal on Windows. // Controls the wrapping column of the editor when `editor.wordWrap` is `wordWrapColumn` or `bounded`. // Commit all changes when there are no staged changes. // Controls whether an action button can be shown in the Source Control view. By default, editors will open on the right hand side of the currently active one. // Enable/disable autoclosing of HTML tags. // Local echo will be disabled when any of these program names are found in the terminal title. // - languageDefined: Use language configurations to determine when to automatically surround selections. You can also set it to a relative path to the open folder with. from the command line). // - off: Folders will replace the last active window. // Controls if the number of opened editors should be limited or not. Wrapped lines begin at column 1. If you've already installed it and want to change the location, you must uninstall Visual Studio and then reinstall it. // - spread: Each cursor pastes a single line of the text. // Controls whether to prompt the user to store working changes in the cloud when using Continue Working On. // The number of milliseconds to show the bell within a terminal tab when triggered. // - auto: Uses operating system specific path separation character. // Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error. // - false: Extensions are not automatically updated. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `operator`-suggestions. // Overrides colors from the currently selected color theme. Set to `null` to delete the environment variable. // Show command launcher together with the window title. Example values: // - 1: Do nothing and use the standard theme colors. These have precedence over the default associations of the languages installed. In this article. Editor view state is stored per editor group and discarded when a group closes. // Controls whether the menu bar will be focused by pressing the Alt-key. This is an older version which should work better on older systems. // - false: Do not ignore leading and trailing whitespace. Child patterns may contain several special tokens: // - `${capture}`: Matches the resolved value of the `*` from the parent pattern, // - `${basename}`: Matches the parent file's basename, the `file` in `file.ts`, // - `${extname}`: Matches the parent file's extension, the `ts` in `file.ts`, // - `${dirname}`: Matches the parent file's directory name, the `src` in `src/file.ts`, // - `*`: Matches any string, may only be used once per child pattern, "${capture}.js.map, ${capture}.min.js, ${capture}.d.ts", "package-lock.json, yarn.lock, pnpm-lock.yaml". "typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enabled", "typescript.inlayHints.enumMemberValues.enabled", "typescript.inlayHints.functionLikeReturnTypes.enabled", "typescript.inlayHints.parameterNames.enabled", "typescript.inlayHints.parameterNames.suppressWhenArgumentMatchesName", "typescript.inlayHints.parameterTypes.enabled", "typescript.inlayHints.propertyDeclarationTypes.enabled", "typescript.inlayHints.variableTypes.enabled", "typescript.inlayHints.variableTypes.suppressWhenTypeMatchesName". Files are displayed before folders. This causes automatic language detection to favor languages that have been recently opened and allows for automatic language detection to operate with smaller inputs. Winpty will be used if this is false. Open the Python code file in Text Editor. // Controls when the folding controls on the gutter are shown. "debug.javascript.defaultRuntimeExecutable". // A set of command IDs whose keybindings will not be sent to the shell but instead always be handled by VS Code. The original size is 0 and each increment above (e.g. // - build: Only create single run compile tasks. Is a downhill scooter lighter than a downhill MTB with same performance? 4. // Controls whether Quick Open should close automatically once it loses focus. // Controls sorting order of search results. It is an indication that the specificity of the entire CSS has gotten out of control and needs to be refactored. // - ctrlCmd: Maps to `Control` on Windows and Linux and to `Command` on macOS. // Defines space handling after function keyword for anonymous functions. These headers only appear when there is more than one provider. // Override the virtual workspaces support of an extension. Once the file is open in an editor, delete everything between the two curly braces {}, save the file, and VS Code will go back to using the default values. // Specify glob patterns of files to exclude from auto imports. // - all: Show the diff decorations in all available locations. "javascript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled". // If set, automatically switch to the preferred color theme based on the OS appearance. // Controls the behavior the 'Go to Implementations'-command when multiple target locations exist. Note that some trees and lists might choose to ignore this setting if it is not applicable. // - force-aligned: Wrap each attribute except first and keep aligned. // Enable/disable snippet completions for methods in object literals. // Controls which files are searched by Go to Symbol in Workspace. "markdown.validate.duplicateLinkDefinitions.enabled". // - true: Semantic highlighting enabled for all color themes. // Object with environment variables that will be added to the VS Code process to be used by the terminal on Linux. // Enable/disable references CodeLens on all functions in TypeScript files. // Enable/disable automatic updating of import paths when you rename or move a file in VS Code. // - always: Always open a repository in parent folders of workspaces or open files. // Controls the default location of the panel (Terminal, Debug Console, Output, Problems) in a new workspace.
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