I live in the city and am only allowed to have 5 chickens. Interestingly, when the bully returns to the pen, they get knocked down a peg or two by the other girls because the bully is considered new.. Claire. Its summer here (January) so I dont think she would be molting. When roosters mate with hens, the rooster holds onto the hens back with their beak- this is known as treading. heres my question can I paint the girls with red butts with tree pruning sealer? She is a prolific layer, pretty much daily. Luckily, most feed manufacturing companies have made it easy to figure out how much protein chickens need. You can also soak your hen in a tub of warm water, dish detergent, vinegar, and salt. Hi Sandi, Also, there are a lot of cats and dogs in the neighborhood so I dont want it to get hurt. I was wondering if meal worms would provide enough protein for her. For a hen to grow their feathers back they need plenty of protein. Claire, My hens droop soft feathers during cool season while they are 14 month old,and egg production is declined to 45% there is no mite or lice, And I feed them very well the only thing I know about it is that the weather changes cause them cough and I treat them I both deworm and make a routine vaccine with Lasota booster still nothing change. Is there any way to stop this or is it just due to stress? Thoughts? Feather loss can occur anywhere on a chicken. Still eating laying pellets plus corn and sorghum. They do provide some protein but not much. He is now king of the coop, but with terrible tail feathers, his body has cleaned up, with care & good food. It looks like they are the only ones who are being targeted and they lose more and more feathers every day. Hi Lisa, Ive done everything possible killed every bug that could possibly be in there tried everything and Im down to Ive got some horrible bullies. Parasites can cause your hens to lose their feathers and also stop laying eggs. I do have a roo who has picked her has her as his favorite but Teanie just keeps losing more and more feathers. Now I was wondering if that was just because it was already dead and not getting any nutrition. They have access to a large dust bath that 7 birds can get in at one time. Feeding a good 16% protein layer feed is the minimum for laying hens. Thank you for any advice! Hi, we have recently moved to a property that came with 6 laying hens and a rooster. I go lt them last October. Some good herbal remedies include herbs like peppermint, cinnamon, and lemongrass, as well as the regular application of diatomaceous earth. Please help!!!!!! Fed 16% pellets, a little scratch and fresh water daily. Look for signs of mites or lice, such as decreased activity, dirty vent feathers, pale combs, appetite changes, weight loss, reduced egg production, ragged-looking feathers, bald spots, and feather-pulling. DDW, I know my questions have been published, but no one has replied. My girls have very few feathers on their breast now they look a bit rough everywhere else too not sure if its moulting as they are about 18 months old, but Ive disinfected the hut a few times and pressure washed it. She lays every day and isnt itchy so we think she doesnt have lice. Hope you solve it Look up sulphur powder for a cure . I hate seeing them so shabby. Are you sure they arent just starting their molt? Most of our flock have feathers missing from neck, breast, back and butt. Claire. , Hi, They are free range during the day and locked up at night. My husband is about to kill them because they arent layingany ideas on what is going on?! I dont have a rooster. In rare cases, rodents may go after your chickens. A molt is when a chicken sheds its old feathers and replaces them with new feathers. At my house there is a chicken named Ginger, and her feathers are twigs. How do I know if its a parasite or mounting or stress? Hi Claire, our 8.5 year old hybrid chicken (Miss Pepperpot) has exactly the same issue quills but no feathery bit. Luckily, I havent ever lost any of my chickens to a predator, and chicken feather loss is normally much less serious. What should I do? We rescued a debeaked hen from a bad situation where she was malnourished, bullied and pecked. I had them last year when they was on 6th months old and not seen this before am a little worried any advice. It sounds to me like they are molting. Don't turn the light off and on at various times, which can cause further molting. The typical molt lasts around 6 weeks. If you recently walked out to your chicken coop to see a pile of feathers lying on the floor, dont panic. - The Happy Chicken Coop - All Rights Reserved. If they are losing feathers because they are cold, you can give them more heat. Use an over-the-counter anti-fungal cream on the vent area after washing the bird each day. We then did notice, a few days ago that the bantam is bullying her quite often and pecking her neck and face, so we have separated them. She is the only hen out of a dozen that molts this completely and she keeps doing it every year. They are around 16 months old. My other 2 chickens seem fine. I have never seen them pecking their feathers or picking on each other. Inspect your chickens by pushing apart the feathers to look for the cause of the loss. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ad28ceb32661a15758829fc7742476ab" );document.getElementById("d926f7c7d8").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. About 6 months ago I rescued a Lavender Orpington hen. In other words, it's the baby maker and the exit for their birdy poo. You can also place mint in the coop to deter rodents, as they dislike the smell. . Make sure your chickens have access to a clean dust bath. She has been super quiet and generally depressed lately, and Im wondering if its because of the lack of a flock? I have 6 hens and a rooster. Worms Feather pecking can result from poor One of my chickens died recently. Claire. This is a fungal infection in your chickens vent, which is where they expel eggs and waste. Our blogs and articles are updated regularly with many different important topics on care, purchasing tips, fun facts, and more. Any thoughts? It can cause feather loss anywhere, but it will usually be around the vent area. Here are some of the most common reasons as to Unfortunately, pin feathers are really tempting, especially when surrounded by the red of irritated skin. However, you may be alarmed when you notice feathers around the coop. This does sound very strange and again sounds like one of the flock members might be bullying her! Chickens can become cannibals if left to their own devices. Found your site and am so enjoying all the informative information, Thank You. Hi Leticia, I have given them calf mana and molting muffins and dusted them with DE. Claire. Remember that chickens will have varying requirements for protein depending on the following factors: Check the formulation of your chicken feed to make sure it has the recommended amount of protein for your chickens at their specific stage, gender, activity level, and other conditions. All was well (lots of eggs & happy Hens) until I got a new coop and moved them so I could 1. refurbish the old coop and 2. increase my flock. Molting is when chickens lose old feathers and then will grow new feathers to replace the old ones. Trim vent feathers carefully, making sure you don't trim too close to the skin, injuring the bird. Could the baby rooster be doing this? Feather loss can be a normal occurrence, such as molting. Shes losing tons of feathers, although we know her nutrition now is great and shes safe. Still one of her wing feathers had a black base when it fell out. Strangely, she hasnt starting laying eggs yet, even at her age, so I cant tell if shes molting from decrease in egg production or not. There are four main reasons why chickens lose their feathers: Seasonal Molting. Then in a few days reintroduce the bullies and see how you get on, I would recommend you read our molting article and see if the signs are similar to your hens I dont think there are mites since theyve had multiple home changes is the past 4 months. She has stopped laying eggs this year and is only 2 years old. She is still molting and her wing feathers only have the quills. Do you have a post about moulting where I can read more about it.? If you notice youve had the same hen hanging You may notice that your chickens grow back their feathers slowly, with large bare patches seemingly glaring until they are refeathered. It sounds like you are doing all the right things. It looks like feather picking which can become a habit, and possibly lead to cannibalism. I have 3 chickens, and she is the only one losing her feathers. Then, a replacement should grow in its place. She hasnt layed in about four weeks, either. Took her to the vet and they said she was in shock. Subscribe my Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & new photos. lmeneghin. I feed flock raiser w/oyster shell. Whats your email so I could send some pictures of them?? just today She has spent almost all day in the brooding box. (We have been advised not to try to home her with a new flock as she would be bullied.) We also changed their feed gradually over to an egg layer pellet as the egg shells were very soft. Otherwise, spend some time observing your flock. -loose stools -decrease or cessation of egg laying -depression -decreased appetite or increased appetite -loss of weight -Whitish patches/lesions in the mouth -pasting of vent feathers -swollen bloated abdomen Treatment: - Bathe the chicken to help cleanse and soothe the affected area. Im not sure if its from a molt, depression, or she came up with a sickness in the nights she spent in the cold, but I would appreciate advice on what could be wrong! I have no roosters, and they do not free-range. Hi Linda, Seems my chickens are looking better and their feathers coming back in!!! Vent gleet is a bacterial infection that affects the vent area and can cause feather loss and inflammation. Have you seen the more dominant hen pecking at her? If one chicken has mites or lice wouldnt they all have it or at least more than one chicken. Is there anything you could tell me about that? We recently got rid of the rooster and that hen is getting picked on from the other hens really bad! Does anyone know what could be happening? Im worried, since shed been bullied a lot from the second eldest chicken, (Pip), that she might get hurt again. I have a chicken who is loosing feathers, and is bleeding on her wing. You will notice that egg laying has dropped off significantly, and as long as there are no other signs of stress in the flock, you have nothing to worry about. My chicken has lost a 3in wide strip of feathers from her breast to her bottom. Use poultry dust or organic treatments such as garlic juice. Any idea on what could be causing this? The pecking order is the chickens hierarchy of status, and chickens at the top control the rest of the flock. Simply soak the chicken's feet in a warm bath of water for 5-10 minutes, then softy rub the skin with a gentle toothbrush to remove any excess scales. Can I load a picture here? It's most common among young chicks and growing birds. To prevent either of the parasites from returning, make sure you regularly clean your chicken coop and wash your hands before handling your chickens. If a single hen is being targeted, its feathers will get plucked out, and its skin may also get broken. She is the lowest in the pecking order, but the highest protects her. I would suggest getting 1 or 2 new birds & integrate slowly. I dont know why he is losing feathers. I have three chickens and one of them seems to be bullied are the other two . Fortunately, if your rooster is placed with several hens, then this balding wont be noticeable. Consider putting some chicken toys, like lettuce balls, in the coop, and make sure you are providing plenty of space for your birds. What happened? How do you check them for mites or lice,what dose it look like, what is the mixing ratio for putting viniger in hens water supply. Check for any other physical damage to the chicken, including damage to the feather shaft. Weve put vaseline on her, but she is eating it. What is going on? But you can help speed it up. Read our in depth guide on molting here: https://www.thehappychickencoop.com/chicken-molting/. As they try to scratch them off, they lose their feathers. Provide your chickens with a proper diet, and they will likely grow their feathers back in less than a month no need to worry! I have been buying poultry blocks. When this happens, the rooster can easily pull the feathers out of the hens neck and back. Her black/white spots are now a faded black-brown color. They're losing feathers on their neck, thighs, chest, and completely around their vent. One of the hens has lost a lot of her neck feathers and is bald on underside of neck. And learn how warm the coop gets depending on outside conditions to avoid overheating your birds. You can try feeding a higher fat and higher protein content feed, but forcing a quick molt is not recommended as you need to allow your girls to recover from a long egg laying season. they are not eating as much either. Im not sure if weather is a factor. Hi, I have a flock of 30 birds of mixed ages, the oldest established flock is nearly 12 months old. Vent Gleet Vent gleet is also known as a fungal infection of the gastrointestinal tract. Where is everyone? Let me know how you get on, I would not treat for lice or mites unless you actually see them. Our road island reds are not showing the same problem. Hi Donna, Sometimes chickens will pull their own feathers when they become broody. New Member - Jamestown NY / Warren PA area - Help identifying Golden Comet Roos. Thank goodness, because they looked ugly!!! Out of ideas, How do I know my chickens have a disease or that they are molting its Been going on for about 2 months and is just getting worse I dont think its molting but want to be sure.
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