They're both Trifolium repens and have the same functioning parts. What is Micro Clover? Dogs Can Pee on It: clover is immune to dog patches you know, those dead, dried out parts of the lawn that cant stand the urea that comes from pee from dogs. Might be many opportunities for great photos! Appearance aside, clover naturally gives back to your soil. Micro clover is a tough plant that can handle foot traffic, but it still needs those couple of weeks to establish. I will try to chew through them one-by-one. Micro clovers are very soft and lush and when blooming, you will have a pleasant smell! Clover lawns attract bees and other pollinators, including butterflies. Ball clover is best suited to heavy soils, but is surprisingly well adapted to fairly dry sites as well. As you plant perennials, mix in clover in between or in those hard-to-grow areas. Microclover is a variation of white clover. Microclover is a new cultivar of white clover that is becoming very popular. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. In general, it is considered a perennial crop, although some of its longevity may be attributed to its own reseeding capability. At present, the seed can be somewhat costly for large areas, but homeowners can get around this by blending with grasses and other plants (see below). However, in the Southeast they can be a companion to certain warm season perennial grasses on sites that offer good moisture availability during much of the growing season. It can be used to create a mixed or pure clover lawn that are shorter than the standard Dutch white clover you see in parks. If another goal is to add more garden beds and spaces for flowers to a traditional lawn, remove chunks of your lawn to start fresh. Our microclover has a special coating that helps it get established and providing nitrogen to fertilize your lawn 6 - 9 months sooner than clover that isn't coated and inoculated with our special seed starter. Broadcasting microclover works much better than broadcasting regular grass seed. Micro clover is also a low maintenance lawn filler that adds dimension to a lawn. In some locations, microclover goes dormant in the winter and wont retain its lush look year round, so blending with other plants can extend your lawns green look. White clover and red clover are most commonly grown in combination with cool season perennial grasses such as tall fescue, orchardgrass, timothy, or smooth bromegrass. Free shipping on orders of $75.00 or more. Microclover lawns are more tolerant of heavy foot traffic. So if you make a lot of use out of your backyard, playing sports and roughing around on the lawn, you might want to consider grass instead. That means less chemical toxicity around your home, and better health for the planet. Mixes well with turf-type tall fescue (and Kentucky bluegrass) and provides a uniform appearance; Provides an organic source of nitrogen (in grass clippings and as it decays) to support turfgrass growth; may reduce one nitrogen application per year; Does not tolerate high heat and drought; starts to die when cool-season turfgrass enters dormancy in the summer; requires reseeding for persistence; Top growth dies back in the winter which can leave bare spots and lead to erosion; Seeds are expensive and not readily available in retail stores; Most broadleaf herbicides labeled for use on tall-fescue will kill microclover; Bees attracted to the flowers may be undesirable for people with bee sting allergies; Southern blight disease can be a problem occasionally in prolonged periods of high humidity and high nighttime temperatures. Using pruning shears or scissors, cut the offshoot to separate it from the mother plant. Ive had a great lawn for years and get complimented on it. The reason is that annual clovers, which must come from seed each year, have more difficulty becoming established due to competition from grasses and other plants (especially perennial plants) than do perennial clovers which already have a good root system established. Lets take a look at the details surrounding clover lawns so you can decide where you stand on the issue, and Ill look specifically at the pros and cons of micro-clover in residential lawns. Less Fertilizer: because of its nitrogen-fixing abilities, clover does not have to be fertilized. Benefits clovers can provide include improved forage quality, increased forage yield, biological nitrogen fixation, extension of the growing season, soil improvement, and land beautification. Clover is soft and cool, providing a carpet for barefoot walkers. Whether it be the latest designer Microclover or good ol standard white Dutch clover, youll be doing your lawn a favor either way. Planting a whole yard with micro clover would be pretty pricey. With the copyright symbol on Mini clover does it mean it is genetically modified? Within 100 miles of the Gulf Coast, it often produces more autumn and winter forage than any other clover,but because it does not have good cold tolerance, production declines as it is planted farther north. When you opt-in you will also receive a weekly email update. Clover also attracts beneficial insects, including pollinators, and wildlife such as rabbits, so avoid applying pesticides on clover out of caution. Microclover doesnt grow well in shade, so it is only suitable for areas receiving direct sunlight. At the low seeding rates, you'd spend $450 to seed 5,000 square feet; at the higher rate, you'd pay $1,125. Still have a question? This nitrogen can enrich the surrounding soil and improve grass growth naturally. This is a great time to plant Black Beauty Ultra Im going to be doing an overseeding project next weekend with it, and if you act now itll be well established for next spring. Over time, this might mean less frequent mowing is required to maintain a manicured lawn appearance. In that setting, it is only utilized for 2 crop years before removal. This happens with some beautiful hybrid perennials in my garden that have been recently developed by breeders if I dont cut off the seed-head theyll self-sow and revert back to a less-attractive version of the same plant either a different size, color, or growth habit often obscuring the nice foliage or flowers I loved on the original plant I purchased. Prepared by Dr. Don Ball, Extension Agronomist/Alumni Professor (Auburn University) and Dr. Garry Lacefield, Extension Agronomist/Professor (University of Kentucky) on behalf of the Oregon Clover Commission, Salem, OR. All Rights Reserved | Home | About, We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Because of this, right after your aerate is a great time to add clover seeds to your lawn. Interestingly enough, (I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it) I was in a pasture today where the landowner is following his cattle with chickens. 6. Turfgrass, meanwhile, needs an inch or more of water per week. Do you know of any front lawns or parks using exclusively micro clover? We are restoring a terraced (vegetable bed) area to its natural grade that slopes down to a creek and watershed (due to medical conditions). Not only do clover lawns require less mowing, but they also need less watering than most grasses. Pirouette) is a selection from white clover that has smaller leaves and a lower growth habit. And with the demand for Microclover outpacing the supply, prices are not expected to go down anytime soon. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. While clover is certainly nothing new, the buzz has been focused on the latest varieties of white clover that have been bred for smaller and smaller leaf sizes. Microclover ( Trifolium repens var. Has smaller leaves than dutch white clover. 3 It also has smaller leaves and grows. Lawn trials show that mixes of 5 to 10% microclover will maintain the benefits of a clover lawn and keep weeds at bay. One concern I would have is already addressed later in your questions. I would suggest this one from West Coast Seeds. Lori Lovely, 15 Natural Pest-Control Strategies for Your Home Landscape, sweet smell that emanates from the flowers, 12 Ways to Be a Good Neighborto Your Backyard Wildlife, Keep Off the Grass: 5 Alternatives to a Traditional Lawn, 9 Famous Gardens to Inspire Your Next Project, No Mow May: 8 Reasons to Let Your Lawn Grow for a Month, 7 Important Things to Know About Fence Post Repair, 7 Important Things to Know About Your Squirrel Feeder, The Only 7 Tools You Need to Paint Any Room. Microclover is naturally shorter than white clover, and it can tolerate close mowings better than white clover can. It doesn't flower nearly as much as traditional White Clover, but it does flower some, mostly in its second season. Clover provides shade to the soil, reducing water evaporation, and helping grass survive periods of drought. Pennsylvania State Universitys Department of Plant Science: Questions about Microclover, The Old Farmers Almanac: Clover Comeback, Scotts: Benefits of Planting a Clover Lawn, University of California: Clover Management Guidelines, McKay Grass Seeds: A Quick Guide to Strawberry Clover, Beautiful houseplants that also repel mosquitoes, cockroaches and other pests. Note: The recommended mowing height for micro clover is 3"-3.5". Micro clover seeds are extra fine in texture. Thanks for this article. They also have a less aggressive clump-forming habit. When used in a lawn mix, it not only supplies continuous nitrogen but helps suppress weeds. All trademarks are either the property of Central Garden & Pet Company, its subsidiaries, divisions, affiliated and/or related companies or the property of their respective owners. The best temperature for white clover is between 50 degrees and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Going through a list of clover lawn pros and cons can help anyone make the decision if a clover lawn is the right option for them. Though widely adapted, it is best suited to soils which have good moisture-holding ability. Once established, water deeply as necessary to keep your lawn looking green. If youre unsure how much water to use, test your soil using a moisture meter and adjust accordingly. Start in early spring (mid-March to mid-April) to allow clover seed time to get established before cold weather arrives. Naturally-produced nitrogen from clover and other legumes in your yard limits the need to apply fertilizer. Visit our product page for more information about microclover blends and natural lawn care. Microclover also flowers less than white clover, reducing the chances that children (and adults) will suffer bee stings when playing outside. Red Clover Red clover has excellent seedling vigor and larger seed than white clover, which facilitates drilling it into existing grass pastures. However,the characteristics of clover species differ. They grow very close to the ground. Theyre both Trifolium repens and have the same functioning parts. Where regular clover leaves can be as big as an adult fingernail or larger, Microclover leaves could be compared to the fingernails of a newborn. If I missed anything or have created other questions, please feel free to holler! Do you know what is causing that? Homeowners were generally OK with this, however, because clover flowers attract bees, and no one wants a child running across the lawn to get stung. All over North America, people are making the choice to replace their grass lawns with easier-to-manage plants that dont require so much care. Some homeowners like to mow their lawns midseason to tidy it up and deadhead flowers. At full height, micro clover will reach about 6 inches un-mowed, and 4 inches if mowed every now and then. I'm looking into overseeding my current lawn with clover for the multiple benefits that clover offers. Ads provided by AdThrive. In some zones, the lush green foliage goes dormant and turns brown in the winter. 3. Tolerates closer mowing than standard white clover. The invention of the lawn mower, as well as planned communities designed by Frederick Law Olmstead (the designer of Central Park) and other landscape architects, further cemented the trend in the U.S. The next step is to lay down an inch or more of fresh topsoil to the planting area to give the new seedlings a helping hand at growing. I have always liked orchard grass because it is territorial in its growth habit and seems to be pretty durable. No Aerating: Unlike grass lawns, clover does not have to be aerated to stay lush and green (unlike grass lawns). Pirouette the same as micro clover? Clover Lawn Pros and Cons: Why Clover is Becoming The Next Best Lawn Alternative - Live Love Fruit FREE EBOOK Reduce Chronic Inflammation Naturally! As a nitrogen-fixing plant, it pulls nitrogen gas out of the air and converts it into a nutrient. This is important to soil because, when growing other plants, nitrogen is naturally lost. A full-blown stand of micro clover requires between 2 and 5 pounds of seed per 1000 square feet of lawn. It can be the result Get instant access to all of our premium pasture seed products by entering your zip code into our exclusive Seed Selector! Even more alluring is the sweet smell that emanates from the flowers. The following are its best growing conditions: If you live in a more northern region, then your lawn is most likely Kentucky Bluegrass. since these will kill microclover. Start by determining the square footage of the area you . White clover tolerates cold, but it's a little sensitive to heat. While manicured monocultural lawns may look nice, they have drawbacks, such as depriving pollinators of food and habitat and requiring greater water consumption, maintenance, and chemical treatment than a clover lawn requires. Any special needs? With a less invasive clump-forming habit, the microclover tends to have a lower growth rate, fewer flowers, and smaller leaves. Repels Pests and Weeds: clover helps discourage insect pests, most of which prefer grasses. - Ask Extension. To prevent that, plant microclover, which produces fewer flowers than Dutch white clover, or mow before the flowers bloom. Copyright 2023. Save 12% on your order with promo code LAWNCHICK2023. ( It will not be turned under as a cover crop.) It is not tolerant of continuous close defoliation; rotational stocking is best. More recently, however, gardeners have sought out clover for use in lawns for several reasons: It fixes nitrogen into the soil, thus requiring less fertilizer; it thrives in shady or poorly drained soil, unlike conventional lawns; and its drought-resistant, remaining a nice, cool green in even the hottest climates. Consequently,when planting decisions are made it is important to have in mind the traits of various clovers and then take care to select the one(s) best suited to the situation. People concerned about fertilizer run-off into water sources will be particularly interested in the ecological advantages a micro clover lawn can provide. Remember what you planted and where, so when you have success, youll know which variety to spread further. This will cut down on your annual lawn maintenance costs, but there are other benefits to clover as well. Rotational stocking is the best way to utilize berseem clover pastures. Clover, therefore, does the work of a fertilizer, eliminating that additional expense for gardeners. Planting a broadleaf also removes the opportunity to treat for unwanted broadleaf weeds. However,it is important to make certain that any such test plantings give the clovers a fair chance. If it is mowed occasionally, it will reach about 4 inches high. Do you recommend a brand of seed that doesnt revert back to the larger version of clover? I recommend using the back of a leaf rake for this. There is some use of annual clovers in winter rainfall areas of California and Oregon, but most plantings of the commonly used annual clovers (arrowleaf clover, ball clover, berseem clover, crimson clover, rose clover, and subterranean clover) in the United States are made in the South (Figure 1). You dont have to go to great lengths to get rid of it, which equals less maintenance for you and environmental bonus points. If you plant too late in the fall, it might not germinate till next spring. The white microclover lawn is very dense, very lush, and very beautiful. So this does raise some questions: Given your reply above, are you saying my BBU lawn should be more drought tolerant than micro-clover? Think of it like buying a dog from a shelter versus buying a designer toy dog from a breeder. The authors gratefully acknowledge reviews of this publication provided by: Dr.Gerald Evers and Dr. Ray Smith (Texas A & M University), Dr. Jimmy Henning (University of Kentucky), and Dr. Carl Hoveland (University of Georgia). Ideally not your own address for your privacy.. Having some trouble talking my wife into taking this approach. You won't have to mow a lot due to the clover growth. Its tiny leaves are about one third the size of traditional clover, and it doesnt clump together, making it look less like a weed and more like the even green lawns people love. But, it can really help create a beautiful looking lawn, as long as you don't mind some Clover.
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