Earth To activate our 12 strand DNA template divine seed blueprint means that we are able to change the angular rotation of particle spin within every particle and sub-atomic particle that makes up our bodies to be able to ascend to another dimension. Most humans have forgotten who they are and that they are God-like beings. ", Tim Next, there is the procedure of activating the DNA, which is the spark that ignites the engine, the light that activates the rest of the DNAs latent strands, circuits from the marrow and brain. What is 12 Strand DNA Activation? Complete Guide We become resistant to illness and disease to such a point that we essentially become immune to all of it as our body takes complete control of its own functions. I have been helping people from around the world for many years break free from their blocks and fears, and change their lives. In 1998, Rein exposed in vitro DNA samples to 528 Hz and analogous Solfeggio frequencies in the form of Gregorian chants in scalar audio waves. 12 Strands DNA Activation | Pure Healing Meditation - YouTube Allow the spiritual ties between you and other people to blossom. Every decision we make is inspired by our vision to empower a community of individuals to come together to build a more conscious world. 12 Strand DNA Activation And these benefits are essentially singular we become our highest spiritual self. Man was created with the 12 strands, but for various reasons, 10 of them are not active. Healing is the mans purification, necessary to activate the DNA. Towards Your Personal FREEDOM as a Free Bonus! call them "shadow DNA". having my activation, I feel more at peace, more grounded, more The Sisters from Lauren Gorgo. The remaining 95% of DNA is referred to as junk DNA and is believed to have no function within the human body as it is a redundant leftover of our evolution. We all wear a number of masks in the varied relationships were involved in throughout our lives. As soon as we activate them, we begin to realise just how physically frail we used to be. 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WebPellowah connects all 12 strands of DNA ready for activation. this for information about repeat DNA activations. Webwhat happens after activation? But you have to be clear first that your DNA is your personal blueprint set forth by First Source and the 7 seeders of worlds and contains all of your mental, physical, emotional and Spiritual information. The truth is that the human body is extremely efficient 12 Strand DNA Activation and energy healing help restore your DNA strands, restoring your original Divine blueprint to the highest frequency holding potential which in turn expands your consciousness to its fullest ability. The that is similar to a guided visualization or meditation. The electrical potential of crystals can be seen through the Piezoelectric Effect the electrical spark of energy released when crystals are struck together. Exploring the 12 Strand DNA requires us to travel way back in time to the culture that academic scholars consider the birth of civilization. Complete Guide, Central Dogma - DNA to Protein| Biology Ideas, Which Archangel Is Guiding And Assisting You, Spiritual Significance Of 11:11 And How Its Connected With Twin Flames, Venus Is Going To Light The Fire Of Love This Year And This Is What It Means For Your Sun Sign, 8-Year-Old Girl Has Been Feeding A Crow For 4 Years, And Now Receives Gifts From It. We have listed the important ones below: For those of us who struggle with mental and emotional problems, activation can mean an incredible change for the better. It If you like our article, give Conscious Reminder a thumbs up, and help us spread LOVE & LIGHT!. This final piece comes easiest as an amalgam of all the other practices of DNA activation which, if practiced regularly, will naturally cultivate genuine relationships with everyone in your life. The key physical benefits of 12 strand DNA activation lie in the ability of these ethereal strands to boost our nutrient intake. It has been shown that binaural beats and exposure tospecific frequencies can impact our body in positive ways. EMBODYING YOUR HIGHER SELF DNA Our ancient ancestors consciously worked with the 2 physical strands of DNA + the 11 energetic bodies of DNA (thus the 13 levels of DNA consciousness) in order to activate aspects of their DNA that in todays terms are referred to as junk DNA. Download This consciousness is much vaster then the veil allowed prior to this activation. Whether this entity is an archangel, an ascended master, or enlightened being depends on the individual, as experiences often vary and are typically based on ones spiritual path. DNA ACTIVATION Though our consciousness may exist externally from our bodies, the ego exists internally and can consume our thought patterns, focusing our intentions and actions on the self. THE SCIENCE OF DNA ACTIVATION - The Courage Practice Just like our ancient ancestors, we have the same potential to turn on our Light Codes and awaken those aspects of our DNA that are asleep. As all 64 DNA Light Codes are ACTIVATED and then ATTUNED over time, we begin to experience changes within our physical, emotional/mental and spiritual ways of beingness. Increase hair growth, nails and eyesight improves (multi-dimensional sight) Ability to be able to miraculous heal your body. Most people have to meditate for a long time in order to have a mystique experience this is how serious the rupture is at the moment. DNA activation means that all 12 strands operate properly. Improved cellular metabolism increased vitality and energy; Craving healthier foods raw, organic, unprocessed, seasonal, local; This reduces our cravings for unhealthy foods and increase our energy levels and general vitality. Healingis a process of clarity, connection, and commitment. ", "This in Your Spiritual Evolution, NOW 12 Strand DNA Activation Just recently, molecular biologists observed three and even four-stranded DNA known as G-quadruplex secondary structures that form in telomeric regions the ends of our chromosomes that slowly unravel as we age. There are many people on Earth that refer to this DNA configuration as 12 stranded DNA (Physical DNA + 11 additional strands). Cleansing of toxins and ", Luisa so-called "junk DNA" in your body contains all your history "The The 12 Strand DNA Activation will assist you in becoming a conscious multi-dimensional lightworker as your soul evolves into higher frequencies by activating your DNA code beyond its twin strand spiraling DNA helix. Activating the new DNA is a service to humanity for the inner awakening of each soul that lives on Earth. The Human Genome Project thus fully mapped the 5% of our functioning DNA (Codons / Genes) to understand how this genetic coding controls functions, behavior and development of the human body. It unblocks and realigns all the meridians within the body, giving a feeling of well-being and connection which allows for a Radical Shift in Consciousness. READ MORE: 38 Socrates Quotes On Change, Life, And Education, READ MORE: Indoor Plants That Create Positive Energy In Your Home, READ MORE: Colon (Large Intestine) Disorders Spiritual Meaning. Feng Shui Lotus Flower: Meaning, Uses, Symbolism, & Placement! Through the hands, by channeling the energy received on a Christic level, which activates the Christic seed and the DNA. with the activation of your 12 DNA strands, the 12 layers of interdimensional Once the rooms are connected to the electricity, it is up to you to find a way to switch the lights on, and see what is in each room. Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation is a powerful process Belief in Self, you matter, you KNOW you can be the change. We know it as the blueprint for life a set of instructions our body uses to build itself. Are You Ready to Finally Be Free from Negative Thoughts, Painful Emotions, Toxic Relationship Patterns, and Causes of Dis-ease? We have 30 Million registered users and counting who have advanced their careers with us. It's time. And these benefits are essentially singular we become our highest spiritual self. Conversely, when you see 11:11 popping up in your life (on clock radios, phones, electronics etc) it is a reminder that what is within you (11 energetic bodies of your DNA), is but a mirror reflection of what is around you. WebWith the 12 Strand DNA Activation, you have access to ten times the information available through your DNA. When your energy is higher, you attract to you people, places and experiences that you want in your life.The Ultimate 12 Strand DNA Activation activates all 12 of your energetic DNA strands, which awakens your Etheric and Astral Bodies. "During Each energetic body of the DNA relates to one or more junk codons on the DNA referred to as DNA Light Codes. Activating and Attuning our DNA Light Codes to their highest frequency, means that we are using higher and higher percentages of our DNA. Here are some benefits you will have by activating your 12 DNA strands: Clear the highest priority auric attachments you have picked up from people, places, times, things and events. The However, Crystal Light Healing remains true to the teachings of our ancient ancestors, thus the structure of our DNA is the physical DNA double helix + the 11 energetic bodies, creating 13 levels of consciousness held within our DNA. The energy vibration of colors adds to the power of this activation. Agree 4 0 obj Karma Removals and DNA Activations Dr. Glen Rein has devoted much of his career to studying the effects of sound and frequency on DNA and specifically the telomeric end caps of chromosomes that correspond with our biological age. The next step is to make the man aware of the spiritual plane and that he, the human, is much more than what he sees, feels, and thinks. Clearing cords of attachment is the first step to freedom. What most people dont know is that for every double helix with 2 strands of DNA, there are 10 ethereal strands of DNA added, which are not active, but are in a latent state since the beginning of mankind. 12 Strand DNA Activation Benefits - Spiritual Unite 12 Strand DNA Activation Benefits: Within every cell in our body is a molecule called DNA. 12 Strand Activation activates 10 more additional strands. There are many ways to switch the lights on. are ten additional strands of DNA, or five double helix strands, The key thing here is control whereas before we may have fallen prey to our own emotions, after activation our mind masters itself entirely. ", "Since A link to reset your password has been sent to you. The number 11 is the most intuitive number and is a clear channel to the subconscious. Awaken & develop your gifts Clairvoyance, Claircognizance, Clairsentience etc.. We have faith in the new paradigm in our bodies, in our relationships, in our creations. This is the bottom slider area. DNA & our 13 Levels of Consciousness The next 11 levels relate to the 11 Energetic Bodies (auric levels) that surround the DNA. But what we arent told is that there are actually twelve strands rather than just the two. ", Kathy I am quite far along with my journey in spirituality so the introduction and some of the explanations of the DNA and so on was kind of redundant knowledge to me. DNA Activations - Energy Medicine DNA We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Seven Lower Chakras of the Lower Body Complete Description. Activating your 12 DNA strands increases The key physical benefits of 12 strand DNA activation lie in the ability of these ethereal strands to boost our nutrient intake. However, healing in its purest form has no name. for your physical and emotional evolution. enhanced energy on the planet is calling for us all to raise our vibration. Like our members, Gaia staff are driven by curiosity, passion and the desire to grow, as we continue on our own spiritual journeys and quests. J-Seals & Unnatural Implants Removal Use your certification to make a career change or to advance in your current career. Clear all the highest priority fears from this and all past lifetimes so you can embody a state of courage and take inspired action. WebThe DNA Activation Power seeks to eliminate physical, emotional, etheric, mental limitations, blockages and negative cycles by restoring vibration and frequency of the 12 With the Ultimate DNA Activation Package You Can Quickly, Painlessly. These are non-physical (5 double non helix) strands. This is a process that can take more or less time, depending on ones level of knowledge and evolution. who are still undergoing the changeover, love will be easier to How can I find out more about DNA activation ? to believe, but lurking in your DNA, those trillions of pieces % includes the activation of all 12 strands of your DNA, PLUS the We become privy to our mission in this life, the purpose that our soul holds within it. WebThe DNA Activation Power seeks to eliminate physical, emotional, etheric, mental limitations, blockages and negative cycles by restoring vibration and frequency of the 12 Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Working synergistically, we activate your full 12 DNA Strands. Zacheria Sitchen WebThe 12-strand DNA activation is complete as the alignment is done. heightened clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. WebIf you choose to activate your 12 DNA strands you will begin to gradually become more and more psychic. and anything that is of no use becomes atrophied and is evolved by Barbara Marciniak They're interdimensional attributes of biology Many of the physical ailments we suffer from are as a consequence of our ethereal DNA being inactive. Here are some benefits xu
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hko G_L@ABd X?0la^2!=hi yKE|9G5B\nra! past issues in the dusty, crusty archives HERE. time. for my friends. Log in, Karmic Clearing Essential Energy Balancing. The Diagram below, as studied during our Crystal Light Healing Practitioner & Teachers Courses, shows our double helix (2 strands) of DNA as well as the 11 Energetic Bodies that surround each DNA Helix representing our 13 levels of DNA consciousness through Metatrons Cube. Most people know that DNA is a mark of life, which can be found in every cell of the human body. Proponents say because of the wealth of information stored on it. Learn more, Wake up the dormant psychic abilities you already possess by following these easy steps, Understand how the technique works from a scientific point of view, Understand how the technique works from a spiritual point of view, Understand the transition that Humanity is going through. Emotional/mental benefits: Improved memory and mental clarity Self-love, appreciation, compassion and gratitude Activate your Golden DNA to become a frequency holder for the ascension of Earth and humanity. Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. Only by understanding and agreeing on this crucial concept, an Activation of your compromised DNA makes sense. DNA Activations the activation I feel turbocharged and am always amazed at how much Self-love, appreciation, compassion, and gratitude; Healed relations, understanding, and kindness; Transcending negative inner monolog and embracing authentic speech (to self and others); Relinquishment of impatience, struggle, resistance; Remembering dreams and using them for guidance and clarity; Absolution from old issues and triggers, as old cellular memories are transcended; The feeling that you are loved, the feeling of well-being, purpose, sense of security, unity; Confidence in yourself, the feeling that you matter and can be the change; Being aware of experiences occurring in the present moment, without judging living in a state of compassion, kindness, and gratitude. The I am holding a WATCH PARTY for TODAY's Total Solar, With the Total Solar Eclipse happening TOMORROW, Today is our first Full Moon of our Astrological N, Our theme for April 2023 Coming Home. Your DNA structure has three components: 1. Improved Cellular Metabolism, increase vitality & energy, Appetite for more healthful foods raw, organic, wholefoods, seasonal, local, Desire to cleanse your body with vital water, Decrease desire for over-consumption and heavy sluggish foods, Improve digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients, Increase hair growth, nails and eyesight improves (multi-dimensional sight), Ability to be able to miraculous heal your body. Wilson This is the connection of the 12 Strands of DNA. The maternal genetic pattern 2. Step up to the next level of your spiritual evolution
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