So, if you’re trying to guarantee that your credit score improves in the next 45 days, we need to add some positive credit history!
This boost guide will not only help you increase your score but we carefully selected items that will give you the highest approval.
Helping you get approved regardless of your past credit history.
A merchant card works like a “secured” card, but you get a much larger limit and will help your credit score much faster.
The way a secured card works is that you provide a deposit to the bank and they give you a card with the same limit as your deposit.
So, if you deposit $200, you get a $200 limit.
That’s okay, but it won’t help your credit as much as getting the merchant card with a $5000 limit.
Let’s not forget that 30% of your credit score is your credit utilization.
Credit Utilization is the limited amount of credit used of the maximum limit you have at your disposal.E.g. You have a $5,000 credit limit. 20% utilization would be $1,000, 10% utilization would be $500, and 50% utilization would be $2,500. Utilizing 20% or less will help raise your score. For best results, utilize less than 10%.
You should get a merchant card(s) before you get a secured card.
If you can only do one at a time, it’s okay.
The goal is to get a merchant card(s) as soon as you can to get the most significant credit benefit increase.
You will obtain a 5k credit limit with a small purchase. Buy the cheapest thing which will allow you to get the account.
Once the statement comes in, pay it off in full and never use it again!
We are actively looking for merchant card providers that will provide the best service with the largest credit limit.
Remember, the larger the credit limit will lower your utilization, and increase your credit score much faster.
Required: Must have at least a 680+ FICO credit score and $70K annual income.
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